Thursday, April 25, 2013

Gor Mentioned Withhout Usual Horrified Shreiks In Mainstream Website!!!!!!

A fighting slavegirl of Gor Evolved runs amok, her slave claws extended, wearing a shield for protection (cause she doesn't have so much as a chainmail bikini to protect her), her slings and broom (I THINK that's a broom on her back) ready to deal outrageous fortune to any who cross her path! Image source: Second Life Gor Evolved.

Well paint me purple and call me Barney! Things are really turning around. I've written how Fifty Shades of Grey has, at least temporarily, gotten some elements of mainstream media to stop putting all those "Eeeew" bookends up whenever they discuss BDSM or BDSM-related matters, though of course the real dinosaurs are still at it. It's gotten to where I expect a certain amount of civility in the mainstream discourse about BDSM, something very new to me.

Still, I was AMAZED to see the Gor movies mentioned in this article on I09 as the potential basis for a TV series along the lines of HBO's Game of Thrones and Starz's Spartacus series. This is of course, a brilliant idea, I know this because I had it myself. I just don't typically expect brilliance from writers on mainstream websites. And I don't expect it to be so matter of fact:

However, a Gor TV series would basically be a pay-cable network’s goldmine, seeing how sex and violence is what sells, and Gor has both in ridiculous amounts. A Gor series is tailor-made for the Starz executive who says, “Yes, our Spartacus TV series was could but what it really needed was more tits and violence.”
Wow. The author, Rob Bricken, is totally right of course. Seeing that much simple sanity in a mainstream site writing about the Gor movies is fricking STARTLING. Mostly when Gor is mentioned in mainstream sites, it's heavily bookended with "horrible sexist rapists who wish to enslave and degrade women wholesale and their deeply disturbed female followers!" crap. I'm not exaggerating ... much. Almost anything written about Gor, including the Gor movies, in mainstream sites will almost always include stuff of this nature, if not phrased EXACTLY as I have phrased it.

And that's what makes the simple recommendation of the Gor movies on I09 so startling. Of COURSE there have to be some caveats, but they're fairly mild by mainstream media standards:

John Norman’s long-running fantasy series had two terrible movies, which, depending on how you feel about the series premise that women are naturally subservient to men, and are much happier being dominated by them socially and sexually, is probably fine. ... And, if that executive were not fully on board with Norman’s gender politics, a decent showrunner could subvert the series’ core “values” much like Paul Verhoeven did to Starship Troopers.
These bookends make reference to Norman's "all women are natural slavegirls" philosophy as espoused in the novels (and that's how I know the writer, though referencing the movies for the sake of the article, which is about movies, is thinking about the books, because the movies were anti-slavery in theme and had precious little in the way of sex or violence to recommend them).

And I have to point out (and this is the point of my illustration at the top of the article and below) that Bricken's hypothetical showrunner won't have to expend a lot of creative energy on imagining a more egalitarian Gor, because that has already done -- that is what Gor Evolved IS. In Gor Evolved, women warriors run around with bows shooting male warriors up on an equal footing. To see how a more egalitarian Gor would work, one need only visit a few Gor Evolved sims and see how they work.

A fighting slavegirl (center) and two female warriors pause while wreaking havoc on a Gor Evolved sim. Image source: Second Life Gor Evolved.

Ordinarily, I'd feel very comfortable in predicting that there will be no Gor TV series even on premium channels, given that the Gor novels still make gender feminists shriek in fury, but given how completely I failed to predict the success of Fifty Shades of Grey, I am a bit shy about doing so. And the premium cable channels cannot fail to have noticed the success of Game of Thrones and Spartacus with all their primitive sex, nudity and violence. As Bricken points out, Gor has that in spades.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Slavegirl On The Shore

Very Slavador Dali! Click on this pic for a larger, desktop sized image.

Been fooling around in Gor, trying to come up with some cool images with some animations and atmospheric effects. Came up with one that reminded me of Salvador Dali's stuff, lacking only a melty watch or three. If you click on the pic, you can download a much larger pic that will be desktop worthy. See what you think!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Blowjobs As Usual In Congress

"The Chair recognizes the honorable Members' member!" Image source: Second Life.

Found this thought provoking thread from 2010 when I did a Google search so as to break out of the doldrums imposed by the Google news' agents reliance on big aggregator sites. It's about Gorean slavegirls showing up en masse in Congress. My personal feeling is, if Gorean slavegirls invaded the halls of Congress ... nothing much would change. The lobbying technique would be exactly the same. More photogenic, perhaps, but who believes that Congress operates in any other way?

Monday, April 1, 2013

Cinemax To Create Animated Gor Series Using Actual Second Life Locations!

Cinemax sets sail for adventure with a new original series set on the planet Gor.

Cinemax, creators of original series such as "Banshee" and "Hunted" and such original adult series as "Life on Top" and "Femme Fatales," has announced that it is starting production on a new animated adult series based on John Norman's Gor novels, set in the virtual world of Second Life Gor.

Insiders at Cinemax say the cable network has been eyeing the successes of HBO's series "Game of Thrones" and most especially Starzs' very successful "Spartacus" with a desire to create their own breakthrough series. This has led to the creation of several bland, low-budget action adventure series, such as "Banshee" and "Hunted."

"We realized that we had been going at it all wrong when we looked at Games of Thrones and Spartacus," said the insider. "Spartacus has its sexy slavegirls and Game of Thrones has its sexy whores, who are pretty much slaves. Clearly they've been getting in on the taste for sexy female submission just like Fifty Shades of Grey did in the book world. We've been going in the stupid direction there with our original adult series "Femme Fatales" which was basically hot dominatrixes having sex. It's earned us a devoted following, but a very SMALL, I mean, a really TINY devoted following relative to Game of Thrones, Spartacus, and especially Fifty Shades of Grey."

"So we looked around and discovered that John Norman's Gor was once a very hot property in the old maledom/femsub area, but it got optioned by idiots back in the 80s and nothing useful got done with it," said the source. "And we realized that Spartacus with tons of hottie slavegirls was just the thing, but you know, most of our series are done on very limited budget. We're talking cheap here. And while filming naked women in chains having sex is cheap enough, all the sword fighting and giant bird flying and such were going to cost, and cost big, by our standards. We're not HBO or Starz!"

The solution, said inside sources, was provided by the research that was done on the Gor novels. The Cinemax production team discovered that there was a huge fandom for the Gor novels in the virtual community called Second Life, and they had created over 300 different virtual sites, called sims, that were based on the Gor novels.

"When we saw this, we realized that most of the production work we would need had already been done, in an animated venue, and that's when we said, "Why not make it an adult animated series?" explained the insider, who might or might not be the executive producer for the series. "We already knew we could get the rights to the Captive of Gor title and concept from John Norman for peanuts, and we knew we could pay off the owners of these sims for peanuts and get all kinds of extras for the scenes besides, and all we'd really need is some voice actors and some post-production work to make up for stuff like the doll hands." (Second Life avatar hands are noted for being immobile.) "Piece of cake! I mean, one of the iconic cartoon characters of all time is a pig that wears a shirt and no pants and has no genitals! People are very forgiving about animation -- and OUR animations are VERY lifelike and DO have genitals, and they'll be using them. They'll be in bondage, and they'll be in sexual bondage. We can't miss with this one!"

"People will be VERY surprised at how good this will be," said the sou ... it's the executive producer, OK? The fucking executive producer! He won't let me use his NAME but who the HELL else would know all this stuff? "There'll be bowfighting, very big right now, swordfighting, and naked slavegirls submitting to mighty masters right and left. And don't you worry ... the slavegirls in this series will NOT be damsels in distress, waiting for some heroic man to free them. ALL the Goreans want to enslave them, there are no heroes! The slave girls will have to learn to deal with their slave girl problems on their own, whether that involves escaping to another land and becoming panther girls, becoming free women through some act of bravery or whatever, or dealing with their own submissive desires ... something you never see in damsel in distress plotlines. Captive of Gor will surprise you!"

Casting for the voice talent is already underway, scripts are being written, and the post-production team has been assembled. The series should be on the air in Spring 2014.